Page 13 - September Toluna Magazine CA Edition
P. 13

5 .   E C O V A T I V E   D E S I G N   |   S U S T A I N A B L E   P R O D U C T S

          Ecovative Design sees the world very clearly. They are

          aware of the environmental issues that we face in the

           world currently as plastic is a huge issue.  A lot of the

              pollution we have today is due to plastic as its not

                                something that will disappear.

          Ecovative Design uses mycelium, the root structure of

              mushrooms to create sustainable products out of

             mushrooms, which helps reduce plastic waste and

       animal slaughter. Mycelium is compostable and is mixed

          with other plant materials to create various products.

           They create products such as sustainable packaging,

              skin care, furniture and even plant based meats.

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