Page 11 - September Toluna Magazine CA Edition
P. 11

3 .   G U M S H O E   A M E R S T E R D A M   |   S O L E S   M A D E   O F   G U M

            City Marketing Organization, I Amsterdam, saw that

           there was a huge issue with gum in the Netherlands.

             Every year, 1.5 million kilos of gum is found on the

            streets. What people don't realize is that most gum

                                    contains synthetic rubber.

              Between the efforts of I Amsterdam, Gum-TEC &

            explicit, Gumshoe Amersterdam was born being the

                                   first shoe made out of gum.

        Thanks to Gumshoe Amsterdam, say goodbye to plastic

         soles, hello to gum shoes and cleaner streets that long

        term also helps the environment. Talk about innovation

                         and thinking outside of the (shoe)box!

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