Page 5 - November Toluna Magazine US Edition
P. 5


                                                                I'm thankful for the respect that my
                                                                co-workers have for me. The

                                                                Memories that I had going out and
                                                                having fun in my city. The Love I have
                                                                for my family and always wanted to
                                                                help them. I am much thankful for is
                                                                to live my life the way I wanted to.


                                                                Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting
                                                                on the things we are most grateful
                                                                for in life, such as loved ones, a
                                                                place to live, food on the table,
                                                                peace in your life, faith, employment
                                                                and many more. However, many in
                                                                this world do not even have the
                                                                basic necessities. Shouldn't we all
                                                                pitch in with whatever amount we
                                                                can, big or small, to help the less


                                                                I am #thankful for many reasons.
                                                                One to wake up every day healthy for

                                                                today. Two to be able to live in a nice
                                                                place. Three to be able to have a
                                                                decent job that provides what I need
                                                                for now. Four is my adoring lovable
                                                                cat. Five is to be able to take care of
                                                                myself because nobody else will.
                                                                Through rough past few years there
                                                                is always something to be #thankful
                                                                for no matter how small or big or
                                                                what seem small to you is big to
                                                                somebody else. Overall we should all
                                                                just be kind and nice.

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