Page 9 - Toluna IN Magazine - May 2020
P. 9

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                                                 1.   Working   from   home   and   fulfilling   our   professional   duties   from
                                                 our house.

                                                 2. Making my kids study and involving them in different activities.

                                                 3.  I  am  looking  after  the  family  and  household  work  when  we  are
                                                 out   of   servants.   In   india   working   without   servants   is   the   most
                                                 difficult  thing  because  we  are  habituated  to  have  servants  for  all
                                                 our   work   and   now   working   without   them   and   fulfilling   all   other
                                                 duties is very difficult.

                                                 4.   I   am   trying   to   do   different   activities   like   making   new   dishes
                                                 which is also a hobby. I try to make variety of dishes at home. The
                                                 photo  that  I  have  attached  here  is  that  of  the  pizza  that  I  made

                                                 it at home.

                                                 5.  I  am  trying  to  spread  positive  messages  through  my  writings  on
                                                 my   blog   and   requesting   everyone   not   to   spread   rumours   which
                                                 can mislead and increase problems for the common man. Let's all
                                                 save   humanity   from   the   biggest   pandemic   in   the   history   of
                                                 medical science.

                     S W A P S A N

     1.   First   thing   spending   quality   time   with   family
     members,  before  covid-19  we  used  to  not  get  much
     time   now   we   all   together   cook   and   eat   together
     and also play some board games.

     2.  Learn  Learn  and  Learn  have  time  being  at  home
     so   utilize   it   very   well,   taking   online   tutorials   from
     coursera   and    udemy,   which    will   add   some

     productivity to my work.

     3.  I  learned  to  cook  during  this  time,  tried  some  new
     dishes   from   youtube   baked   a   cake   and   few   south
     indian dishes.

     4.  Work  from  home,  helps  to  be  doing  excercise  by
     taking short breaks in between, that refreshes mind.

     5.   Connecting   friends   through   social   media   by
     doing   group   video   calls,   sharing   news   on   facebook
     and   reading   news   paper   online   to   get   updates
     about the current situation.

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