Page 8 - Toluna IN Magazine - May 2020
P. 8


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   I am learning to play guitar since before lockdown and
   I   am   still   learning.   We   i.e,   I,   my   sister,   and   my   mother
   prepared   pani   puris   one   day   which   was   too   good.   I
   have   learned   to   crochet   and   I   have   made   my   first
   crochet   motif.   I   have   designed   a   pretty   dress   and   I
   have  also  made  cloth  masks.  I  had  made  a  sketch  few

   days ago which is my all-time favorite activity.

   As  this  much  is  not  enough  for  me.  I  am  also  learning
   something   from   digital   learning   platforms   such   as
   Udemy  and  Edx.  To  stay  fit  I  walk  on  the  roof.  I  am  not
   a   passionate   cook   and   I   don't   even   have   a   big
   appetite.  But  I  am  looking  forward  to  learning  to  cook.
   I also put my energy in keeping my house clean.

                                                                           M I N N I E _ S T A R Z

                                                             Unknowingly   I   have   done   many   good   things   starting
                                                             from   attempting   yummy    dishes,   to   painting,   to
                                                             exercising,   to   singing,   to   dancing,   to   playing   indoor
                                                             board  games,  to  creating  small  videos  with  family..all
                                                             just   to   feel   busy   and   it   does   wonders   at   the   of   the
                                                             day..You feel content :-)

                                                             Few realisations made
                                                             *I started to think about Wastage of Food.
                                                             *Started   appreciating   smart   buying   -   Buying   what   is
                                                             NEEDED and not what is WANTED.
                                                             *Understood how it feels to be Caged.

                                                             *Appreciating   the   liberty   to   go   outside   to   breathe   in
                                                             the fresh air.

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