Page 7 - Toluna New Zealand Magazine - July
P. 7

a pr i l l oc h r i e 1

             "One of the cherished memories I have of my mum is a recent one where
               I tried to show her a camera app on my phone that has funny filters for
               selfies. She was amazed at the technology these days and now always

                                 asks me questions about all sorts of stuff!"

                                                Ne l son i a n 15
              "For the 23 years that I lived away from NZ (on my OE) my mother wrote

               to me every week - remember those blue airletters? Although she died
                                   20 years ago, I still treasure her letters."

                                                 Br e n d a 150

              "I loved how my Mum always had lots of goodies in her tins, like caramel
               meringue square, date loaf, anzac biscuits, shortbread etc etc. She was

             such a good cook, and her trusty coal range churned out a steady supply
              of delicious goodies. I've never been able to make scones and yorkshire
                                                 pudding like hers!"

                                             su e sph ot os2008

                  "Mum has always had a wicked sense of humour and my favourite
             memories are of when we went away together and we would both laugh

                so hard we would end up with tears rolling down our cheek and sore

                                           t e r r y c a m e r on 90
                "When I left school and home Mum started a habit that continued for
                about 25 years. She would cut out newspaper articles about rugby or

              cricket stories or articles that she thought I would be interested in. Then
                 (after building up a decent pile) she would post them to me, usually

                                 along with fruit, vegetables or tinned food!"

                                                       g jfa m
              "My Mum spoke in another language which I understood but replied to in

                English. One day in a doctors waiting room we had this “multi-lingual”
             conversation & Mum laughed saying that the other people waiting had no

                          idea what we were talking about. I miss her every day"

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