Page 6 - Toluna New Zealand Magazine - July
P. 6

Memor ies


                        For Mother's Day, you shared some of your most
                     cherished memories of your mums, and we enjoyed                                    m

                       reading about them. These members won points
                                                 from that topic:

                                               Ch a m pa sa u r u s
                "Mum was a wizz with the sewing machine.  She would make our library
                  book bags, school chair bag, hot water bottle covers, barbie and doll

                clothes.  Very fortunate to have such a lovely mum that would make all
                                               these things for us kids"

                                                br i g h a m .t 16
                "I have so many memories with my aunties and grandma growing up.

               They helped my dad raise me when my parents separated. They are all
              mothers to me and taught me everything I know today and have helped

                                      to shape me into the woman I am."

                                                fr a n c e sh 837
             "My Mum means everything to me, she is my best friend. I remember one
               day I left some flowers for her when she wasn't home, but didn't leave

             my name with them. She had returned home & called half the Whanau b4
               she got to me. All she said OMG 'oh thank god I found who bought me


                                                 be l l bi r d 511
                 "One of my favourites is when she and I curled up together on their
             (parents) bed and read our books,. We were the readers in the family. The

                                     other kids would be outside playing."

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