Page 4 - Toluna IN Magazine - June 2020
P. 4

FAQ about PayPal

    Why I cannot input my PayPal details?

   Please fill in your PayPal's email address.

   (NOT your PayPal's username)

    How long will it take to process?

   Our  team  tries  to  process  the  redemption  as

   quickly  as  possible.  However  given  the  large

   quantity,  as  mentioned  on  the  website,  payments

   will take up to 3 weeks.

    How do I know the status of my redemption?

   You can check it in "My Rewards" page.

   My redemption's status is already processed but

   I have not received the money, what should I do?

   Once  it's  processed,  you  have  1  month  to  claim

   the  money  via  the  link  that  we  send  to  your

   Paypal's  email.  If  you  do  not  claim  this  by  then,

   the  link  will  expire  and  we  will  credit  your  points

   back within 4-6 weeks.


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