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Toluna sweepstakes -

      Did you know that our monthly cash sweepstakes now takes

                                              place weekly?

     Before, every month 20 winners could win one of the following cash prizes up for
     grabs: 1x2000€, 1x1000€, 1x500€, 2x150€, 3x100€, 12x75€

     While this allowed users to earn bigger cash amounts, it also restricted the number

     of winners to a few extremely lucky influencers

                                                       Since October 1st, every week 25 lucky
                                                       members can each win 100€!

                                                       We made the change with our members
                                25 WINNERS
                                 EACH WEEK             in mind, because we want to make sure
                                                       that as many of our loyal members get a

                                                       chance to win!

                           LIST OF OUR 25 LATEST WINNERS

              ةجوجاح            iggysmum            talk2haneefatd             roy95              pellinkya

               kegle             kdpfinnz              korecin13             torrez88             msapple

           fabi_froelich        bw795717          itsmiaprofessional        carolinevv           satukinine

              Azubi14            Flo1976             alexanderleo             cokkie1         esmeralda1572
           petragiwrgos         junglecity             Habou52               vflfuf1971            Zuuzzo

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