Page 4 - Toluna NZ News Magazine - November
P. 4


                       CONTENT AND DISCUSSIONS

       One of the reasons our our members log in to Toluna each day is to post and discuss
       current news, events or anything of interest.

                                                                      Recently, the Toluna Team has also
                                                                      been posting more of these types

                                                                      of content and you may have
                                                                      noticed that the posts take on a
                                                                      slightly different format. The
                                                                      username that appears on the post
                                                                      is just "Toluna" and unlike other

                                                                      uesernames, it's not clickable. This
                                                                      is normal, so don't be concerned -
                                                                      you will still see the Toluna posts in

                                                                      your "Recommended" feed, even
                                                                      though you can't follow the
                                                                      account. We'll highlight some of
                                                                      these discussions later on in this
                                                                      issue of the magazine.

       As a side-note, if you want to post a Topic or Poll, please go ahead and start a discussion

       with the community! You could receive bonus points for posting and even make it to our
       list of top content creators each month.

       Our team awards bonus points for content based on whether we think the posts are

       interesting and engaging. While we know this is subjective, we try to be as fair as
       possible to everyone. Here are some tips for posting content that will earn you points:

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