Page 13 - December Toluna Magazine CA Edition
P. 13

yNew Year
    celebrate the New Year?

                                                           On New Year's Eve in Austria, it is usual to eat
                                                             "Raclette" with family or friends. Different
                                                            kinds of meat cut in small cubes, different
                                                           veggies cut in slices would go on top of the
                                                              raclette plate. In the small bowls below
                                                           Austrians put potatoes, bacon and cheese. All
                                                            of this is eaten with several different home-
                                                            made sauces, which are usually brought by
                                                                             the guests.

                                                               Blue underwear. You read it properly!
                                                           Portuguese people believe that wearing new
                                                             blue underwear as well as eating 12 raisins
                                                             will bring you luck for the upcoming year.
                                                            Nobody is quite sure where this superstition
                                                            comes from, perhaps the underwear should
                                                           be as new as the upcoming year. However, if
                                                            you happen to celebrate New Year’s Eve in
                                                               Portugal, make sure to buy your blue
                                                            undergarments as soon as possible! Stores
                                                                          may run out of it!

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