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           H O W     C A N    I    I N V I T E    F R I E N D S    T O
           J O I N    T O L U N A  ?

           To invite your friends to Toluna, you can copy
           and share your personalised referral link on
           whatever platform you like. The "Invite a
           friend" link can be found in 3 places
           In the top right section of the homepage
           On the right side in the Survey centre
           In the "Invite a Friend" tab in your Account

           Each time you invite a friend, your account will
           be credited with 500 points once your friend
           completes their registration to join the Toluna
           community. To make sure that all new friends
           are real people, please note that you can only
           earn points for a maximum of 10 new friends
           per month.

                                                                      S O M E    O F    O U R    I N F L U E N C E R S
                                                                      H A D    T H E    O P P O R T U N I T Y    T O
                                                                      G E T    T E S T    P R O D U C T S  .

                                                                      Since the launch of our Test Products section, it
                                                                      has always been our mission to find interesting
                                                                      products that you would like to test and give
                                                                      feedback on. As a result, the Test product page
                                                                      is no longer accessible after March 30, 2018 and
                                                                      you will no longer be able to participate. 

                                                                      During this time, we will be focusing on
                                                                      remodeling our offer, to better cater to the
                                                                      wants and needs of our community.

                                                                                        Toluna Magazine | April 2018  03
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