P. 4


           MOBILE APP

           D O E S    T O L U N A    H A V E    A    M O B I L E
           A P P  ?

           Yes, you can find our Toluna iPhone and
           optimized iPad App here. Currently, the iOS
           app is available in the following languages:
           English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and
           Japanese and more.

           We also have an Android App that you can
           find on Google Play here.

           You can complete surveys on the app just like
           you can on our website, so your voice can be
           heard whilst earning rewards on the go.

           Please check out the great video we made for
           the iPhone App by clicking on the link here for
           more information.



                                                                   S H A R E    Y O U R    O P I N I O N    T O    G E T

                                                                   M O R E    P O I N T S  !

                                                                   Would like to share your opinions and receive
                                                                   points for it?

                                                                   You will also earn some points for commenting
                                                                   or giving your opinions on other members
                                                                   topics on Toluna.

                                                                   For more information, please click here!

                                                                                       Toluna Magazine | March 2018  03
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