Page 10 - UK Mag May 2019_Neat
P. 10



                                                        S P R I N G   B A N K   H O L I D A Y

          Spring bank holiday falls on                              How will you be spending
          Monday 27th May 2019. This                                spring bank holiday this

          is probably one of my                                     year? Will you be spending

          favourite bank holidays as                                it hungover after a night of

          the weather is normally                                   drinking? Will you be

          lovely! I hope that it is the                             having a weekend away

          same for you all this year!                               somewhere? Will you also
          Here in France, we don't                                  be having a barbecue?

          have a spring bank holiday                                Check out the next page if

          like back in the UK, we                                   you will ;)

          instead celebrate Ascension

          Day on Thursday 30th May.                                 However you spend it,
          We also have 2 other bank                                 don't forget to let us know

          holidays in May which is                                  on the Community!

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