Page 5 - Copy of ENEG Toluna magazine
P. 5

Recent events

    Floods in Paris

    As many of you know, the water in the Seine has risen

    considerably in recent weeks. Some metro stations
    were closed because there was a risk that they were
    otherwise full of water. For some people it was even

    difficult to leave their houses so they used small boats
    to get in and out of the house as you can see in the
    Since some of the Arab countries also deal with floods
    every year, we gathered 5 tips for this situation:

    1. Keep an eye on Weather forecast
    2. Don't drive while it's raining
    3. Stay inside

    4. Don’t use electrical appliances affected by the floods
    5. After the floods, wear protective gear while cleaning
                                                Toluna was moving

                                                   That's right, we got a new home! We're still in Paris but
                                                   we've changed our address in January. Now we are in

                                                   a much better place with big rooms, nice neighborhood
                                                   and a lot of things happening on the surroundings. It
                                                   was indeed a good change! Sometimes these
                                                   investments are needed if we want to provide a better
                                                   service to our members and we believe that with this

                                                   moving it will be possible to do that.

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