Page 9 - ENAE April TM_Neat
P. 9

est belle

   La vie est belle contest for you!

   nice posts from our
   winners! Congrats!                                     See more posts here


     Salut & Bonsoir!

     La vie est belle; There is no greater purpose, no greater meaning. Everything and

     anything. It doesn’t have to be solely people, it can range from a pet to something
     abstract and imaginary.

     Even if you don’t love La vie itself, through loving things/beings in your La vie you
     find meaning, purpose. For example : You choose your dream job because that is

     what you LOVE to do. You choose whatever path you choose in La vie because

     that is the path that you LOVE.
     When you love someone/something, unconditionally, it gives your La vie

     meaning, it gives you the will to live POSITIVELY, and that’s one of the greatest
     treasures love can give, a positive, healthy attitude towards La vie, and of La vie

     towards you.

     Love unconditionally as much as you can, expand your “circle of love” to the
     farthest it can reach. And you’ll find. The more you send your love to others, the

     more you’ll appreciate the love you’re giving, making you also love yourself

     UNCONDITIONALLY & your La vie will be est belle
     Merci & Au Revoir!


                            She enters her favorite cafe. Bonjour, says he. Salut, say

                            she.Comment allez-vous, asked he. (How are you?)
                            Bien, merci, et vous? asked she. (Good, thank you, and you?) Très

                            bien, said he. (Very good) Both smiled.

                            She comes regularly the coffee and the company. Night
                            fell.Bonsoir, says he.Au revoir, says she. Before she left,

                            La vie est belle à cause de toi, says he. (Life is beautiful because
                            of you) And the rest was history.

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