Page 8 - South Africa Magazine February
P. 8


                                                                     S H A R E   T H E I R   T I

                                                                                                  T H E S E

                                CHALLENGE YOURSELF

                Do five things to stay healthier at work. Learn a new skill. Read one career-related or          i  t  u
                        motivational book. Update your resume. Create at least one new professional              n  a
                 networking connection per month. Review and improve your LinkedIn profile.find a                d  i
              work mentorClean out your physical and digital file cabinets.get one new professional              a  1
                            certificate. Don't let this year's resolutions be empty promises to yourself.        6

                                          QUIT SMOKING                                                           F  e  l  i  c

               1. Get your mind right, if you are not ready in your mind to stop, you will not stop;2. If        i  t  y
                you smoke 20 cigarettes a day like I did take 1 away each week, so the first week you            H  a
             smoke 19 per day, second week 18 and so forth for 20  weeks till you get to 1 per day;3.            n  s
                       It gets really hard in the middle, thus get yourself some rescue drops from the           e  l
                                pharmacy to help ease the withdrawal symptoms, but do not give in...
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